Integrating Advocacy in all thematic sectors to create synergy for increased impact for rural and refugee women, their families, and communities.

Women’s Social Movements

We support and partner with local refugee women’s organizations to take action against climate change, influence community practices that stigmatize contraceptive use, and advocate for the expansion of economic opportunities and rights for rural and refugee women.

Influence Policies and Practices

We engage in advocacy to bring grassroots women’s voices to influence local, national, and international climate, economic and reproductive health policy discussions and laws.

Human Rights Awareness

We raise public awareness about sexual and reproductive health as linked to women’s rights, period poverty, sexual harassment, and violence against women and girls and support the defenders of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Calling for Climate Justice

We advocate for increased resources to support the integration of environmental screening in settlement planning to mitigate the risks of environmental and social hazards such as flooding, conflicts over land use and resource access, and loss of vegetation, wetlands and local watersheds.